2023 Ranking of Concern 14out of 23
Water Quality Grade 2023
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Lake Murex

26.43137, -82.09683

Report Your BMP Activity
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  • Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png.
    If you have an image of your BMP implementation, please upload it here.
Data Summary
2023 2022 2020 2018
IN 0.347 0.019 0.059 0.018
TN 1.69 2.852.232.13
OP 0.075 0.0080.0670.021
TP 0.1
Chl-a 49.4 26.931.814.3
TSI 73.2 68.373.565.3
Salinity 31.5
DO 6.8 6.858.28.9

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Lake Murex has a current ranking of concern of 66 out of 84. We’ve analyzed 84 water bodies on Sanibel Island, and ranked them from 1 (most concerned) to 84 (least concerned) .

  • 11 / 15 / 17 - Algae Bloom
    Algae Bloom
    11 / 15 / 17

    During a recent inspection for cattail spraying, an algae bloom consisting of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) was observed in Lake Murex. Blooms such as these are typically stimulated by excess nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) present in the waterbody. The proliferation of these blooms can lead to low dissolved oxygen and subsequent fish kills.

    **Please note that the spraying of cattails causes the re-release of nutrients (i.e. decomposing cattails) back into the lake which can fuel algal growth and exacerbate the bloom.**

    Reducing nutrient inputs into the lake will in turn reduce the likelihood of algae blooms. This can be achieved through the implementation of best management practices (BMPs). BMPs best suited for this lake include: reduction of fertilizer usage, adhering to the 25ft “no fertilizer” buffer near waterbodies, physical/mechanical removal of cattails, and choosing native plantings in landscapes.

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BMPs (Best Management Practices) implemented at Lake Murex:

No BMPs have been reported at this location yet.

. . . . . = State Criteria: measurements above this line suggest impairment to the waterbody.
Historical Data
  • 2023 Ranking: 14
  • 2022 Ranking: 66
  • 2020 Ranking: 44
  • 2018 Ranking: 82
  • 2016 Ranking: 55
Water Quality Grade
  • 2023 Grade: D
  • 2022 Grade: C
  • 2020 Grade: D
  • 2018 Grade: C
  • 2016 Grade: C